

Gelen Moncada

We consider dialect to be a form of materialization of a language, that is, a specific way of speaking the same language, which is shared by a community of speakers, a city, a region, a country, a continent, depending on how broad the perspective is. Dialects are very important in the way of speaking in a specific historical and social context, dialects are the language in its most living state and from them we derive the social and regional dialect.

Fernando Molina

This has been an extensive job that includes different tools to present information on the blog, including a video, presentation, summary, etc. It makes us think about the variety of tools that we can use in our work, both academic and professional. And also, the importance of group work to carry out a task that requires the support of each member. The blog is a tool that helps the person to gain knowledge on relevant and important topics through creative techniques to capture the reader's attention. I can conclude that blogs are academic and work tools for the teaching or expression of the writer or writers to a group or groups of people who occupy the teachings of a subject or subjects for learning purposes.This has been an extensive job that includes different tools to present information on the blog, including a video, presentation, summary, etc. It makes us think about the variety of tools that we can use in our work, both academic and professional. And also, the importance of group work to carry out a task that requires the support of each member. The blog is a tool that helps the person to gain knowledge on relevant and important topics through creative techniques to capture the reader's attention. I can conclude that blogs are academic and work tools for the teaching or expression of the writer or writers to a group or groups of people who occupy the teachings of a subject or subjects for learning purposes.

Nidia López

As I worked on the assignment I became aware of the variety of our language and other languages as well, and it struck me as incredible how human beings are capable of creating words, each region, each community has that something that characterizes them and it is the language and It is fascinating to see the variety of dialects that exist, each with its own originality.

Celio Cartagena

This project was extremely helpful for me because it challenged me to put into practice everything I had learned. Also, the topic was very interesting and I really learned a lot about the different dialects in English. Just the fact that there are so many dialects in the English language, each with their own characteristics, differences and similarities, is fascinating.
At the same time, I really enjoyed working as a team with my classmates.

The only exhausting thing was putting all the information together in a blog and making it look coherent. I wouldn't change a thing about the project; it is cohesive and brings together all the aspects needed to develop the topic. I mean the videos, mind maps, summaries, etcetera.


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Group Presentation
