
Group Presentation

    Hello! my name is Gelen Moncada, I am 22 years old, I am from Talanga, but now I live in Tegucigalpa. I consider myself a patient person, kind I like to give the best of me in anything, sometimes I get angry and it is part of being human. I am studying foreign languages since 2019 ungreased to the university, and this is my third year in the career of foreign languages. I like this career and I want to continue learning and improve in English. I live passionate about music and I am always listening.

Video about Dialects

  Click on the link below to watch the video about Dialects . Dialects_video

Related Images

  Foreign language students The importance of second language teaching methods that focus on the four aspects to be developed:  grammar, writing, reading and listening.

Power Point Presentation

  Click on the link below to watch the PowerPoint presentation about Dialects . PPP_Dialects

Semantic map

  Click on this  link  to see the semantic map about dialects.


 Dialects 1.    Dialects Every person has a unique way of speaking, called an idiolect. The language used by a group of speakers is a dialect. The dialects of a language are the mutually intelligible forms of that language that differ in systematic ways from each other. Dialects develop because languages change, and the changes that occur in one group or area may differ from those that occur in another. Regional dialects and social dialects develop for this reason. Each version of the language is referred to as a regional dialect.       Some differences in U.S. regional dialects may be traced to the dialects spoken by colonial settlers from England. The study of regional dialects has produced  dialect atlases , with dialect maps showing the areas where specific dialect characteristics occur in the speech of the region. A boundary line called an isogloss delineates each area. ·  ...

Useful links

https://vividmaps.com/north-american-regional-dialects-accents/ This article talks about   North American Regional Dialects & Accents and its historical evolution. https://www.translateday.com/how-many-dialects-does-english-have/#:~:text=Geographers%20and%20Social%20Scientists%20estimate,Northern%20New%20England%20American%20English. In this link you can find information about the most common dialects in the English language. https://www.peptalkindia.com/100-popular-euphemisms-in-english-language/ In this link you can find information about euphemisms, their meaning and the most used ones. https://moramodules.com/ALMMethods.htm This link provides a description of the basic principles and procedures of the most recognized and commonly used approaches and methods for teaching a second or foreign language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXOIxT1ML1o This interesting video shows where American accents come from.

Discussion Questions

1.     What are regional dialects? It is when in a certain geographical region various linguistic differences accumulate, the spoken language has its own character. Each version of the language refers as a regional dialect. In the United States, most dialect differences are based on geographic region. 2.     What is standard dialect? Is a dialect of English that many Americans nearly speak; divergences from this “norm” are labeled Philadelphia dialect, Chicago dialect, African American English, and so on.  A standard dialect of a particular language may have social functions. Its use in a group may bind people together or provide a common written form for multidialectal speakers. 3.     What is a dialect continuum? Is movement toward greater uniformity and less variation   among dialects, though one might expect dialect leveling to occur as a result of the ease of travel and mass media. 4.     Explain what an accent i...


  Gelen Moncada We consider dialect to be a form of materialization of a language, that is, a specific way of speaking the same language, which is shared by a community of speakers, a city, a region, a country, a continent, depending on how broad the perspective is. Dialects are very important in the way of speaking in a specific historical and social context, dialects are the language in its most living state and from them we derive the social and regional dialect.


  References: Kerper, J. (2020). Second and Foreign Language Teaching Methods . Recuperado de:  https://moramodules.com/ALMMethods.htm Lesson Nine GmbH. (s/f).  What’s the difference between A language, A dialect and an accent?   Babbel Magazine. Recuperado el 13 de abril de 2022, de https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/accents-and-dialects/ Raj, T. (2017).  100 Popular Euphemism in English Language . Recuperado de:  https://www.peptalkindia.com/100-popular-euphemisms-in-english-language/ Traslate Day (2020). How many different English Dialects are there in the United States? . Recuperado de:  https://www.translateday.com/how-many-dialects-does-english-have/#:~:text=Geographers%20and%20Social%20Scientists%20estimate,Northern%20New%20England%20American%20English. Vivid Maps. North American Regional Dialects & Accents . Recuperado de:  https://vividmaps.com/north-american-regional-dialects-accents/ What is a prestige dialect?   (s/f). Languag...